Thursday, November 09, 2006

Get a "hendy men"

So, day one of the two day floor installation from hell has begun, not on time, but one hour early…and after I begged the scheduler for the later time. But, that’s not bad so far. So, two people with very limited English, I think they are Russian, barged in, have left the door open in the rain now for quite some time, and they basically told me to “don’t worry” in broken English and snarled. Of course, the “don’t worry” was premature because I soon heard, “Please to come here” and he said he could not do the transition between the kitchen and the dining room threshold because the kitchen floor was higher and I should get a “hendy men” to make a special piece. No, no, no…no more “hendy men”!

I made them call the store, because I couldn’t possibly be the only person in the universe with such a mind-boggling floor situation. He eventually told me that the carpet guys, who were coming tomorrow, would bring the correct piece. (Sigh) So I won’t have my floor all done today. And I am not too happy with the prospect of them not having known that….what else don’t they know?

Oh, the freaking skill saw is screaming in the kitchen…I am so afraid to look.

Well, they have left and this is the scorecard. Chopped ends of the floor and no threshold piece. Piece is now on order, no date for installation set. The phone jack in the kitchen is dead. I believe they may have shot the nail gun through the wall wire when they reattached the baseboard. I am now operating from the phone line in the bedroom, which is fine.

And one last thing. They reattached the door from the kitchen to the basement and now it only opens halfway because "floor too high". You know, with the floor shouldn't be the only thing that's high, at this point. And of course, "we don't fix". I could picture myself using a lubricant to get through the door while holding a basket full of laundry. The horror. The horror.

Carpet-bombing guys are scheduled for tomorrow.


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