Thursday, December 01, 2005

Take and Deep Breath and Hoooold it....

This morning I had to go for an ultrasound test of my abdomen, which supposedly houses all the good organs that can get screwed up by a bad lifestyle. Enter me. Pushing past memories of endless waiting rooms with no attention span theater, sitting with my sister and listening to other shoes dropping constantly. So I focus on this mother-sized, you can see it from space, plasma TV that makes CNN's coverage of the French face transplant look intoxicating. And I'm musing about what if something really bad is wrong with me? And then I have to fill out the "who to contact in case of emergency". Who to contact in case of emergency. Who to contact in case of emergency. Nope, nope, nope. What about...nope. Ok, just let me die.

So I'm on the table and they're viewing my insides and taking pictures of God knows what and it occurs to me that this is taking a long time and then she tells me to wait after the test so the doctor can see the films. SHe is gone WAAAAY too long, but of course, she could be enjoying a bagel and a schmear in between abdomens.

Comes back and says I can go, and my doctor will get the report in two days....hope that means I'm ok, I mean, if they detect Alien or Riddley Scott floating around near your pancreas, they would stop everything and not let you leave....right?????? (sigh)

Meantime, I need to ponder the new ad with the people watching basketball games and movies on their mobile phones and try to reconcile how a TV can never be big enough, and a handheld can never be small enough, and the same image is supposed to be equally enjoyed on both.

Regardless, I love Tiki Bar Tv podcast, even though I need my reading glasses to see it.


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